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All filled up! |
Many of you have probably seen me carrying around this sketchbook for the past year. It accompanied me to ScienceOnline 2012 (my thoughts on it
here), the Grand Opening of the
Nature Research Center in Raleigh,
ScienceWriters 2012, and many other places. When looking back through old sketchbooks, some of the pages I treasure most dearly end up being the pages filled with doodles and sketches from my friends.
Dragon by Maki Naro |
In September of last year, I hung out with a crazy wonderful group of
Mad Art Labbers at Dragon*Con. Whenever I met up with
Maki Naro (of
sci-ence.org/) we'd exchange sketchbooks (or in his case, an iPad) and work on an ongoing doodle. By the end of the four days I had a super spiffy dragon to live in my sketchbook and I created a fancy octopus for his iPad.
Since I'll be starting a fresh sketchbook this week at
ScienceOnline 2013, I'd like to carry on the idea of sketchbook swapping and have help from all of you to fill its pages with stories, doodles, and arts. During lunch, break, or any time you might have a few minutes to make a sketch or two, wave me down and we'll swap sketchbooks/notebooks for a few minutes. I think it would be great to leave little pieces of art with as many people as we can.